About Us
The Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians, (TAPEIT), is a not for profit organization made up of members who work in the field of law enforcement property and evidence storage and maintenance. Our members represent law enforcement agencies across the State of Texas. TAPEIT offers updated resources and training in all areas regarding the storage, processing, analyzing and ultimate disposition of criminal evidence and other property in the custody of law enforcement agencies.
PRESIDENT: Steve Yancey, Dalworthington Gardens PD
1st VP: Crystal Hale, Palo Pinto SO -
BIO2nd VP: Sarah Wilson, Seguin PD -
BIOSgt. At Arms: Eddie Green, Harris County Fire Marshal
Secretary: Jennifer Mulac, Hearne PD
Treasurer: Fonda Rhoades,
Webmaster: Jeana Townsend, Lubbock County SO
Historian: Mandy Masch, Ingleside PD
Founding President: Kolene Dean, Retired
Past President: Paul Szendrey, Georgetown PD -
BIOPast President: John Stevens, Cedar Hill PD
Past President: Linda Roberts, Upshur County SO -
BIOPast President: Jamie Eaks, Texas A&M University
Current Board MembersTracy Engler, San Marcos PD -
BIOMartha Kotila, Kyle PD
Dan Zientek, Humble PD -
BIOAngie Hill, Brownwood PD
Tommie Hastings, Roman Forest PD